Monday, April 16, 2012

Writing.... I'm adding that to my bag of tricks.

Here's what I wrote about moving La Mano Pottery to a great new beautiful location.

Don’t ask me why I haven’t called, or why my fingernails are jagged like sharks teeth.  
Don’t ask if I shower daily, change clothes often or how my hair come to look like Einstein’s . 
 It doesn’t matter.  
 I am busy being what I am and doing what I do for right now and it is important … to me.
Don’t look at the band-aids on my thumbs, the dirt on my jeans and the paint on my shoes,
 It doesn’t matter. 
See how satisfied I am with what I am doing right now and how important it is … to me.
Don’t think I’m doing too much schlepping, fixing,, testing, painting sanding, sweeping mopping.
 It doesn’t matter.
 Just know that I am creating a new business,  being what I am and doing what I do for now and it is important …to me
Don’t listen to me complain about getting home late, not taking my vitamins, eating too many carbs and not enough vegetables, not making my own art,
 It doesn’t matter.
 Hear the voice in me that says I am happy doing what I do for right now and it is important… to me. 
Don’t laugh at me for not sitting on my furniture at home because I am so dirty
or taking off my shoes in the hall or wearing the same jacket scarf and gloves everyday
and washing everything all at the same time.
 It doesn’t matter.  
 Enjoy that real dirt and not just clay is the material of what I do for right now and it is important… to me
Let’s not discuss the sleepless nights, the missed meals, the forgotten birthdays, the unanswered emails, and the delayed payments. 
Let’s talk about the increased satisfaction seeing the joy in the eyes of the student’s in the studio.
 Worry doesn’t matter.  
 It is what I do now and it is important … to me and them. 
Don’t let me go to a place of stress about the added rent, the cost of unexpected renovations,
 more insurance, new equipment and extra utilities,
 Know that pottery is calling more and new people and they will come.
Those concerns are real and don’t matter.
 It is what I do now and it is important … to me and them. 
Ask me if I feel good at the end of the day, if I feel satisfied with my contribution to myself,
 my partners and our community., I feel Divinely guided to be here NOW.
 I do. 
 It is what I do for now and it is important … to me. 

Thanks,  Diane